Tooth Bonding Indianapolis, IN

Do you have damaged and cracked teeth? Maybe you have a chip in a front tooth.

North Meridian Dental Excellence offers cosmetic treatments in Indianapolis, IN. One of the most effective and economical treatments for tooth damage is tooth bonding. Patients who may not want a permanent restoration can benefit from dental bonding. With good oral hygiene and habits and the right dental care, tooth bonding may last up to 10 years.

Dr. Ben Ahlbrecht is dedicated to finding solutions to cosmetic and restorative dental problems. He will collaborate with you to ensure that treatment aligns with your personal goals while supporting your long-term dental health.

Tooth Bonding in Indianapolis, IN for damaged teeth

The Benefits of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a very popular procedure. One reason is that it can treat virtually any cosmetic dental problem. Chipped teeth, tooth discoloration, and gaps between teeth can all be treated with dental bonding.  Since it’s temporary, we can also use it to treat children. If they chip or crack a baby tooth, we can provide tooth bonding until that tooth is ready to come out of the mouth.

Bonding is also one of our most affordable dental treatments. It’s comparable to porcelain veneers, as it can treat the same things temporarily and at a lower price. If you’re on a budget, bonding is an ideal cosmetic option. It’s also ideal for patients who want to try a restoration but don’t want to commit to a permanent one. Typically, you only need one visit to our dentist office to complete a bonding restoration.

A Versatile Treatment Option

If you have discolored teeth, we typically treat them with professional tooth whitening. But deep, intrinsic stains and other discolorations don’t respond to traditional treatment options. When we prepare bonding material, we can color it to match any shade of white that you want. We shape it to completely cover the tooth, hiding the discoloration.

A chip or break can take a tiny chip off of your tooth or a large break. Sometimes, the dental pulp and nerves are exposed after the break. Touching this area is painful, and it makes the sensitive innards of your teeth more vulnerable to bacteria and infection. Dental bonding replaces the tooth portion that’s broken off, eliminating sensitivity and protecting it from infection.

Some cases of crooked teeth or tooth gaps aren’t bad enough to warrant orthodontic treatment. Most patients don’t want to get orthodontic correction unless they have to. However, it’s still best to have an even bite. We can mold dental resin to extend the edges of your teeth while still looking natural to fill in gaps. It can also change the shape of your teeth, making it look like you have a straight, even smile.

Treatment with Dental Bonding at North Meridian Dental Excellence

Dr. Ahlbrecht will prepare the surface of the tooth or teeth to be treated by removing a small portion. This ensures that tooth bonding material adheres well. Dr. Ahlbrecht will then apply a tooth-colored, biocompatible composite resin and sculpt it into the desired shape.

Finally, a special UV light hardens and sets the resin. Once the composite has cured, it is shaped and polished to match the appearance of a natural tooth.

How to Care for Teeth After Treatment


Tooth Bonding FAQs

Dental bonding is a versatile, affordable dental procedure. Read the answers to these frequently asked questions to learn more.

Can dental bonding be repaired?

Depending on what needs fixing, your dentist may repair or replace a bond. Dentists can touch up bonds using newer materials that will help your bonds last longer. It’s a removable procedure, so it’s easy to repair or update the tooth.

What should you not do with bonded teeth?

With bonded teeth, patients should try to avoid eating or drinking foods that are prone to staining the surfaces of teeth. These include wine, coffee, fruit, fruit juices, and soda. You should also avoid using your bonded tooth to open things and chew on very hard foods. Tooth bonding is not invincible and does not protect against physical damage.

Is dental bonding strong?

Dental bonding is very strong. Chemical bonds attach bonds to teeth, making them very durable. It’s designed to withstand the wear and tear that comes with everyday life. However, it should not be used as a protectant.

How long does dental bonding take to cure?

Dental bonding takes 30-60 minutes to cure. Dentists apply a resin material to your teeth and let it harden. Then, it is shaped and polished to make spaces or cracks disappear. There’s virtually no waiting period for use after bonding treatment. It should cure completely during the process in our office.

Does bonding teeth hurt?

Dental bonding only involves the surface of teeth. Since there are no nerves there, it should be a pain-free procedure. All we do is roughen the outside of the tooth so that the bonding material adheres to it better. If requested, we can use a local anesthetic to numb the area where we’ll be working.

Schedule a Dental Exam Today

Restore your teeth today. Call North Meridian Dental Excellence for comfortable care at 317.204.7134 or request a consultation with our team on our website.